Health Benefits of Drinking water in Copper and Earthen pots

Health Benefits of Drinking water in Copper and Earthen pots
The cosmos is composed of five basic elements : space (or ether), air, fire, water and earth. In Ayurveda these are called aakaash, vaayu, agni, jal and prithvi, respectively. All living beings draw the energy from the five elements of nature named as Air, Water, Sun, Earth and sometimes adds elements of Space (quintessence ) or consciousness the human body is made up of the same five elements. Hinduism the fifth element is ether which relates directly to the ‘Spiritual Sky’ or Akash . Air represents Prâna that has the life giving vital power, water takes the second and then sun, earth, space and fire . What we call it Mahābhūta or great element. The very combination of these prime element in right proportion creates non duality and transcendental unity. This opens to us the door to almost unlimited power. This unity you may call as YOG.
Water is the universal elixir of life. It makes up more than 70 percent of our total body mass and covers the same proportion of the Earth’s surface. We can live without food for a month or more; but we will perish in a matter of days without water. We imbibe this vital power or Prâna from water that gives more energy, health and immunity. If the water is exposed to sunlight it is all the more beneficial. The sunlight rectifies the maladies and gives solar energy to the water in the same way as boiled water eradicates bacteria from water.
Storing water in copper and silver pots finds mention in ancient texts of Ayurveda for purification of water. That’s why Ayurveda strongly recommends the use of copper for storing drinking-water.
Due to Oligodynamic effect Storing water in copper pots can sterilize the water after a few hours. To add this Ayurveda recommends water stored in a copper vessel has the capacity to balance all the three doshas in your body, (vata, kapha and pitta).
Where Earthen pots have the property to keep water cool naturally . Because the clay pot is slightly porous the some water passes though its body and evaporates.
Here are many reasons why drinking water from a copper and Earthen pot are beneficial for you.

prithvi Clay pot Cooking cooking in earthen pot Copper Synthesis Earthen pot are beneficial for you Earthen pots fight cancer- Anti Carcinogenic naturally live Oligodynamic effect

Copper Synthesis -Can kill bacteria.
PH balancing.
Improves metabolism and virility.
Skin health and melanin production
Gentle on the throat.
Stimulates your brain.
Slows down ageing.
Beats anaemia.
fight cancer- Anti Carcinogenic

cooking in earthen pot- Clay pot is porous so Heat and moisture circulate through the pot during cooking, this kind of cooking Food Without Contamination From The Pot because Pure Clay is naturally inert and non-reactive.