Shavasana, Savasana or Corpse Pose

Shavasana, Savasana or Corpse Pose is the most important final yoga posture . Yoga is science for creating harmony to mind and body; I can very well add soul as well let’s talk about tangible things as of now. Before the body can relax it often needs to move, that is where the asanas practices are used for . Our energy flow affects how we act ,how we feel, how we think, and effects over all condition of our health and happiness . So When we practice yoga we stretch and heighten all the meridians (energy channels) in our body. We also influence our nervous system. This can bring about big changes in the body energy matrix.Shavasana 2 Shavasana 4 Shavasana 5 Shavasana Shavasana 1
Through the body only we can travel towards our spirit, because once your whole body stretched and opened, the body is more than happy to let go. Compare it to a child, a child is also happier to relax after it’s burned away its nervous energy. This asana is one of the easiest asana to go into but the most difficult to master it . It is one of the best relaxation poses and if practiced correctly and with full awareness, it can relax every body part, relaxing and rejuvenating not only the body but also the mind. That’s why you must never skip savasana. Because Savasana is the most significant position of your daily yoga practice.
For some practitioners, savasana is also difficult pose to be in and the most daunting posture to hold because it requires you to simply to move from action to non action Nishkam Karma. What we need to do is close our eyes and watch natural breath, flowing in, and flowing out. A general guideline is to take 10 minutes in Savasana for every yoga session. But There is no time duration for Savasana. It should be practiced whenever the body becomes exhausted, before and after asanas it is necessary and also between asanas when required. It is especially necessary after dynamic asana series like surya namaskar.
The life-affirming benefits of Savasana

Stress relief.
Self acceptance.
Experiencing peace.
Connecting with your breath.
Relaxes your central nervous system and calms your mind
Decreases beta brain waves and shifts to slower brain waves
Reduces insomnia and helps improve your sleep
Reduces headache and fatigue
Helps relieve depression.
Shavasana can be extremely useful during menstruation as it gives a deep relaxation to the muscles and also to the mind. If a women is feeling tearful, angry, irritable, tired or just plain stressed Shavasana would help..

Making peace with death

Releasing the savasana
1. First one should prepare ones mind for releasing the asana.
2. Make small movements of the fingers and toes
3. Straighten the neck.
4. Bring the arms back next to the sides.
5. Bring the legs together and open the eyes.

Anatomical centers
On every body part.

On relaxing every body part, relaxed breathing.
Cautions and Contra-indications
Avoid going to sleep as this will prevent the decrease in nerve impulses as well as the deep relaxation.

Other relaxation techniques: Making relaxation techniques a part of your daily life.
Yoga nidra
Breathe Deeply
Or you can combine both to create Breathing meditation.
Nispanda Bhava
Rhythmic movement like spiritual dance and butoh.
Practicing progressive muscle relaxation