Yoga Nidra & Sankalpa ( Yogic Resolve )

Yoga Nidra & Sankalpa ( Yogic Resolve )

DElotus-(Flowering of Innate Human Potential) celebrates the act of resolve , but it also recognizes the joy of transformational shift of Sankalpa . the new year resolution is best appreciated as to create life guided by our deepest lo spiritual longings and a circle in which self will or divinity within is first attracted and created, then nurtured well and shared to others .
DElotus simple and doable tips, tools and techniques like yoga nidra and yogic resolve through various workshops and seminars you will find the secrets to the kalpa . All you have to do is to act on them, making them your own.

Finding your sankalpa is a process of listening the child within. Your deepest yearning is already present, waiting to be explored, heard, and felt. It’s not something you need to make up it is just right there

There is a natural divide between our consciousness, or the inner or psychological aspects of creating physical health, and more worldly and personal quests, spirituality . But your ultimate aim should be to integrate both, so that you become a master of the inner and the outer realities of your complete being.