We pray to the divinity in you

“namaste, the life ahead can only be glorious if you learn to live in total harmony with yourself and naturally living is the first step.” – acharya neeraj He  is a contemporary speaker, teacher and writer on philosophical and the spiritual subjects, best known for his secular or agnostic approach to spirituality. delotus workshop 3
acharya neeraj considers spirituality is an individual quest and longing to galvanize the ever unfolding knowing and flowering innate potential .
acharya neeraj adds own dimension and style to YOG during the teaching process. Sometimes, this leads to an entirely new individualistic and existential yoga style .
He also practices what he call it “undeliberate Pranayamas” all the time.
 as a public speaker and teacher he has been wandering throughout India for last 15 years currently he is residing in Bombay (formally Mumbai), India . He feels the inner renunciations and Sannyasa are two very important tool to go within one-self you can be in the world without worldly desires because true libration comes from your deep understating of your inner being without any referential or dogmatic previews. He practices what he calls inner sannyasa to do swadhyaya (a yogic term for  self-study) all the time: The art of self-education & contemplation.delotus workshop 2
Through his writings, translations and teaching, acharya neeraj engages in a critical exploration of spirituality’s role in the contemporary world, which has earned him both condemnation as a heretic and praise as a reformer.  He  was born in a very tiny village. He grew up in a very organic and humanist environment with his grandfather. that’s why he feels that if you lose the deep intimate relationship with nature your inner growth bound to be sluggish one needs to do all kinds of cleansing on the realm of psychology and physical levels to prepare to embark in the path of self –actualization . Throughout his growing up age he travelled overland in India with his family because his father’s job provided him all kind of linguistic, cultural and spiritual upbringings.delotus workshop
He studied and worked with all major religions and spiritual traditions but what must catch the imagination of an individual is that in the whole of life, from the moment one takes birth to the moment one dies, is a process of self learning…….
He has been studying tantric and yogic techniques since 1996. During 20 years of learning and teaching, he has mastered many alternative healing techniques which are based on the age old Indian discipline of Ayurveda, Yoga, meditation and pranayama. It has been his conscious quest to work on Yogic Techniques, Subtle Yoga, Meditation, Doga, Tai Chi, Naturopathy, Zen, BioDanza, Butoh, Expressive therapy, Sufism & Metaphysics of the Mind and body that teaches how to manage and alleviate phobias and psychosomatic illnesses the natural way. It also explains deeper aspects of the mind, body & spirit connection that may give you some amazing insights. He has been featured in various other publications such as BBC- Hindi and news nation and many many more ..
He  conducts Workshops, Seminars, and Talks & Therapies across the Globe…
Our psychological, emotional, physical and spiritual health is all connected, and all have an impact on our ability to experience deep meditation. Meditation in Buddhism and Hinduism it is known as dhyāna ( Zen ). DElotus (Flowering of Innate Human Potential) Meditation technique is the way to achieve mindfulness, focus, clarity, strengthening the perceptions, relaxation and emotional balance.
Our meditation workshops are customized for a wide variety of audience, including beginners, experienced practitioners, individuals, families and corporate groups / leaders.
During this meditation workshop participants learn the techniques of meditation, and practice sufficiently to experience its beneficial results. So that you can integrate mediation in your life.
The workshop will feature a range of meditation techniques and practices including conscious breath, sacred sounds, movement, prayer and Yoga.  This workshop is also dedicated to spreading the physical and psychological benefits of spiritual meditation, healing and awareness.

There are various other meditation techniques. For example, a daily meditation practice focuses directly on the cultivation of compassion. There are also moving meditations techniques, such as tai chi, chi, Kung and Kinhin/walking meditation.

Step by step -Meditative techniques
Lauding meditation
Start With a Few Warm-ups
mindful games
Passive Meditation
Concentration meditation
Mindfulness meditation
Meditation Styles & Positions
     Sufi workshops
How to Create a Meditation Space
Meditation as Medication
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Yoga nidra or “yogic sleep
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