Atha yoga-anuśāsanam ||1|| in very first sutra . Patanjali describes the first and most critical step to begin practicing yoga. So NOW THE DISCIPLINE OF YOGA and it means you can master deep sense of unification by practicing inner discipline .
These days we see so many youngsters in a park or yoga studio, slowly stretching into downward-facing dog and concluding their efforts with a gentle “namaste”. How times have changed indeed for better .
Our beloved prime minster Narendra Modi calls for International Yoga Day and many great countries have expressed their exhilarating support.
But we must also educate them that the only yogasanas are not the yoga , The heart of Patanjali’s subliminal suggestions for living a better life through eightfold path of yoga : Yama : Universal morality , Niyama : Personal observances , Asanas : Body postures , Pranayama : Breathing exercises, and control of prana , Pratyahara : Control of the senses , Dharana : Concentration and cultivating inner perceptual awareness , Dhyana : Devotion, Meditation on the Divine and finally Samadhi : Union with the Divine, yoga is essentially a path so enjoy the journey and forget about the destination .

Yoga for kids is becoming more and more commonplace, as guardians begin to realize the importance of meditative effects of regular practice. There is good reason for this. Studies show that children and teenagers reap physical and psychological rewards from yoga
Yoga consists of systematic and definite steps to realize innate human potential; these benefits include improved coordination, motor skills, self-control, concentration and discipline, and an increase in confidence and self-esteem.
We can coach children from as young as three. We also make them understand that yoga is not a competitive sport; rather, it is about the joy of movement and self-improvement
A qualified yoga teacher can explain the techniques behind various yoga poses and movements in a typical class for youngsters develop strength, posture and flexibility; while the breathing exercises not only teach children how to use their breath properly, but show them how the breath, body and mind are all connected.
“The yogic games involved in a typical class help balance children’s energy levels so that after the session, those who are extremely active will tend to be calm and children who are more quiet tend to become more alert
So the next time your little ones are not in great mood, it’s worth considering the yogic way of parenting. Ask them to lie down in ” child pose, savasana or makarasana and to remain there as long as possible.

However, you should consult a qualified Yoga teacher before practicing any yogic technique, since it requires guidance.Bhujangasana (Cobra Pose)2