Forest Bathing  I Nature therapy Retreats I Ecotherapy Workshops

As a pioneer in Nature therapy or  ecotherapy, and also known as forest bathing or shinrin-yoku in India, we offer  Forest bathing Online Training, Courses, Workshop & Retreats designed to equip experienced &encourage adopting a specific set of hands-on Forest bathing for  Holistic Health benefits. DElotus I Flowering of Innate Human Potential TM embarks to impart vital and sustainable Forest bathing practices to promote alternative Holistic and meditative walks in the woods. Shinrin Yoku: The Healing Power of Nature.

Neeraj’s two-month Forest Bathing Practitioner course is structured as follows:

  1. Weekly Sessions: Participants attend weekly sessions where they learn theoretical concepts, techniques, and principles of Forest Bathing. These sessions provide a foundational understanding of Shinrin-yoku and its benefits.

  2. Workshops: Interactive online and Onsite Forest bathing workshops are conducted to deepen participants’ knowledge and skills. These workshops may include practical exercises, group discussions, and hands-on activities to enhance learning and application.

  3. Outdoor Excursions: Participants engage in regular outdoor excursions to natural settings such as forests, parks, or wilderness areas. These excursions provide opportunities to practice Forest Bathing techniques in real-life environments and connect with nature firsthand.

  4. Guidance and Support: Throughout the course, participants receive guidance, support, and personalized feedback from experienced instructors. This ensures that they can integrate the learnings effectively into their lives and overcome any challenges they may encounter.

5. Transformational Journey: By the end of the two-month course, participants undergo a transformational journey characterized by enhanced mindfulness, reduced stress, and a deeper connection with the natural world. They emerge equipped with valuable skills and insights for personal growth and holistic well-being.

 Shinrin Yoku/Forest Bathing Introduction and Orientation

  • Welcome participants and provide an overview of the day.
  • Introduce Neeraj and share background information on his personal Journey.
  • A brief introduction to Shinrin Yoku and the principles of Forest Bathing.
  • Deep dive into the philosophy and origins of Shinrin Yoku.
  • Explore the science behind Forest Bathing and its benefits.
  • Q&A session for participants to clarify any doubts or questions.

Forest Bathing Retreats in India I Forest Bathing Workshops I Sustainable Forest Living with Forest Bathing I Nature therapy in India

 Mindful Beginning with Dharana for Forest Bathing

  • Guided meditation to set a mindful tone for the day.
  • Discuss the importance of presence and awareness in nature.
  • Group forest bathing activities to foster a sense of community among participants.
  • Introduction to Awakening senses
Day 1:
  • Arrival and Check-in: Arrive at the retreat location and settle into your comfortable accommodations.
  • Welcome and Orientation: Receive a warm welcome from our Forest Bathing retreat facilitators who will provide an overview of the retreat schedule and introduce you to the concept of forest bathing.
  • Introduction to Forest Bathing: Engage in an interactive session where you will learn about the origins, benefits, and techniques of forest bathing.
  • Forest Walk: Embark on your first guided forest walk, immersing yourself in the natural beauty of the surroundings and allowing the forest to awaken your senses.
  • Mindful Observation: Practice mindful observation exercises to deepen your connection with nature and cultivate a sense of presence.
  • Evening Reflection and Sharing: Gather together for a group reflection session, sharing your experiences and insights from the day.
  • Dinner: Enjoy a nourishing dinner, specially prepared with locally sourced, organic ingredients.
  • Free Time: Spend the evening at your leisure, engaging in personal reflection, journaling, or simply unwinding in the peaceful ambiance of the retreat center.

Sensory Stations:

  • Set up stations with various scents and corresponding sounds.
  • Participants rotate, connecting smell and sound at each station.

Guided Forest Bathing Aromatherapy:

  • Combine aromatherapy with soothing forest sounds in a guided meditation.

Blindfolded Sound Walk:

  • Blindfold participants and guide them through the forest, focusing on both smell and sound.

Nature Sound Scavenger Hunt a fun Activity:

  • Identify specific sounds related to natural elements in the forest while exploring scents.

Sound Mapping:

  • Have participants create a map of sounds they hear while exploring scents in different areas.
  • Morning Forest Meditation: Begin the day with a serene guided meditation amidst the tranquil forest setting, allowing you to connect with nature on a deeper level.
  • Forest Bathing Practice: Experience an extended forest bathing session, guided by our knowledgeable facilitators. Engage in gentle walking, mindfulness exercises, and nature appreciation to enhance your connection with the forest.
  • Eco-Therapy Session: Participate in an eco-therapy session, where you will learn about the ecological significance of the forest and how it contributes to your well-being.
  • Forest Bathing Workshops: Attend workshops that delve deeper into the principles and practices of forest bathing, providing you with tools to incorporate this healing practice into your daily life.
  • Lunch: Enjoy a wholesome, delicious lunch, energizing you for the afternoon activities.
  • Guided Nature Walk: Explore different trails and areas of the forest with a guided nature walk, learning about the diverse flora and fauna found in the region.
  • Evening Yoga and Meditation: Engage in a gentle yoga and meditation session amidst the forest, harmonizing your body and mind with the natural surroundings.
  • Evening Campfire and Storytelling: Gather around a cozy campfire for an evening of storytelling and sharing, creating a sense of community and connection.
  • Dinner: Relish another nourishing dinner, savoring the flavors and discussing the day’s experiences with fellow participants.

Day 3:

  • Sunrise Forest Bathing: Wake up early to witness the serene beauty of the forest at sunrise. Engage in a silent forest bathing practice to start the day with tranquility and gratitude.
  • Mindful Movement: Participate in a session of mindful movements, such as Tai Chi or Qigong, blending gentle exercises with the peaceful ambiance of the forest.
  • Forest Immersion: Take time for personal reflection and exploration in the forest, allowing yourself to fully immerse in its healing presence.
  • Closing Ceremony: Gather for a closing ceremony, expressing gratitude for the transformative experiences and connections made during the retreat.
  • Lunch and Departure: Enjoy a final wholesome lunch before bidding farewell to the retreat center and fellow participants, carrying the rejuvenating energy of the forest with you as you return home.

Please note that this is a sample day-wise breakdown and may vary depending on the specific retreat program and location in India.

Forest Bathing Online Training I Nature Therapy Courses I Ecotherapy Workshops I Forest Therapy India | Forest Bathing Retreats India

 Our Forest Bathing online Facilitators Training in India; is a form of nature therapy with deeper interaction with nature and a decrease in factors like stress or depression, join our  Online  Forest Bathing Teacher Training in India and   Holistic Health Solutions company in India, with physical and psychological with our Forest therapy online workshops also can help to improve social well-being with DElotus guided forest bathing session in India  practices can improve personal-management, self-esteem, social relations, and nature skills, environment awareness with online  Forest Bathing training in Bali, enabling wishful  Forest Bathing coaches in Thailand to learn how to deliver  Forest Bathing  Tools, Technique,  &  Methods to a global audience.


Forest Bathing Online Training I Nature Therapy Courses I Ecotherapy Workshops I Forest Therapy India | Forest Bathing Retreats India

We coach and facilitate the Online  Forest Bathing  & Laughter meditation in India containing the full curriculum at any time.  Our corporate online  Forest Bathing workshops in India. Our approach to Practical and motives to love the very concept of  Forest Bathing from the very first lesson – provides an opportunity with  Forest Bathing online training in Mumbai. This online course must be treated in a disciplined manner, with full completion of the course is mandatory. Enjoy our  Forest Bathing online classes in the UK with  Meditative walking techniques. Our Refreshing  Forest Bathing workshops worldwide will be able to give benign, fostering, and methodical processes to  Forest Bathing workshops in India providing a way to express their experiences and feelings through natural, self-guided, and eco-social support for online  Forest Bathing workshops in Pune.

Forest Bathing Online Training I Nature Therapy Courses I Ecotherapy Workshops I Forest Therapy India | Forest Bathing Retreats India

Our Forest bathing Training Programs in India cover the fundamental philosophy of DElotus I Flowering of Innate Human Potential TM Functional wellness with fantastic 5 major elements; fitness, Handling With Emotions, Overcoming phobias, Managing Stress, and most importantly developing an innate connection with nature. Learn the DElotus Forest bathing Courses, Workshop & Retreats at Rishikesh, Goa, Lucknow, Noida, Surat, Bangalore, Mumbai & Delhi NCR, India.

Forest Bathing Online Training I Nature Therapy Courses I Ecotherapy Workshops I Forest Therapy India | Forest Bathing Retreats India

What Are The Benefits Of Forest Bathing?

  • What is Forest bathing? And its benefits. A combination of theory and practice will give you a practical foundation for enhancing your existing Forest bathing Practice.
  • The simple  Forest Air bathing tools and techniques to overcome unnecessary stress, and irrational phobias, alleviate physical and emotional conditions.
  • To easily create an entire Forest bathing practice and other nature therapy Garden therapy and horticultural therapy tools and techniques.

Forest Bathing Online Training I Nature Therapy Courses I Ecotherapy Workshops I Forest Therapy India | Forest Bathing Retreats India

Forest Bathing & Nature Therapy in India for achieving physical and emotional fitness objectives. Forest bathing Courses, workshops & Retreats offer an opportunity to gain a deeper understanding of Forest bathing for different individuals and their physical and emotional challenges. The Forest bathing workshop in Delhi will provide you with an effective antidote to air pollution. It also includes the origin, structure, science, philosophy, and guidance for growing your own practice in treating a number of health conditions.