The Tristana: Breath, Posture, and the Gaze(Drishti)

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The Tristana: Breath, Posture, and the  Gaze(Drishti)

“Ya Drishti Sa Shristi”

Drishti comes from a Sanskrit word meaning “focus” or “vision.” True purpose of the āsana practice is fully aware and present, moving toward your natural-self with an experiencing and finding your Drishti( sight ). We can all experience that where our focus is directed our concentration  and energy naturally follows, and that the power of our Drishti is directly reflected in the quality of our physical and psychological balance.

What is Drishti?

तदा द्रष्टुः स्वरूपेऽवस्थानम्

In the Yoga sutra 1.3, it has been explained  beautifully that what is the true nature, also known as self-actualization which is the ultimate outcome of Yoga—the discovery of one’s true nature. Drishti shun  visual distractions and develops concentration.

In a simpler  term Drishti is our focus point while performing   a yoga pose, in Ashtanga Yoga each pose has a particular gazing point, but this not just an  external vision in Sanskrit . Drishti comes from the root drsh which means “to perceive”.  So Drishti is not just our simple external vision, but our complete cognitive experience,  perceptions and understanding as well. Drishti relates to how we recognize our inner world in order to explore and experience our true-self.

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 Drishti In Meditation

 Rather Drishti is meditation because the instance Focus has energy. You can feel energies through DElotus | Flowering of Innate Human Potential TM yoga practice by focusing at various energy centers in the body. The medication   technique of Trataka, or candle gazing, the eyes are held open until tears form. This technique not only gives the eyes a wash but also an invitation to  practice intervening unconscious urges— the  simple urge to blink.


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There are 9 + 1 Drishtis in DElotus | Flowering of Innate Human Potential TM:    Yoga āsana practice:

  • Angusthamadhye (Tip of the thumb) – ex. Utkatasana &  Tadasana.
  • Nasagre(Tip of the nose)- ex. Urdhva Mukha Śvānāsana Or Upward Facing Dog Pose and siiting postures.
  • Bhrumadhye (Third Eye)- ex.Adho Mukha Śvānāsana Or Downward-Facing Dog Pose.
  • Nābhicakre(Navel Focing)- ex. Chaturanga Dandasana.
  • Parshva(2)- involves looking to the left or right side. ex. Marichyasana.
  • Hastagrahe (Tip of the middle finger)- Trikonasana.
  • Urdhva (upword to the sky)- ex. Purvottanasana or Table Top Pose (Ardha Purvottanasana).
  • Padayoragre (Tip of the big toe)- ex. Savangasana.
  • Antara (inword)- all meditative postures.

  The Tristana practice, The Tristana: Breath, Posture, and final  Gaze(Drishti) if  practiced regularly over a long period of time, will guide the practitioner through the experience of the inner true self.

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Caution: Before commencing in any of the wellness programs, retreats, techniques & practices described, please consult your physician or other health care professional to determine if these exercises are safe for you. It is always recommended to practice life-skills or any other technique under a trained master.

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By DElotus| Flowering of Innate Human Potential TM


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